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  Lightbulb Thread: Bot attacks npc-mob
Post: Bot attacks npc-mob

There are cunning NPCs that are presented as mobs. When you try to attack such a mob, a dialogue opens. For example, at level 5 of Payon dungeon there are nine tails, which offers to exchange 999 tail...
Sergio Fixes OpenKore 0 25 17-04-2024, 09:15 PM
    Thread: buy Meat to Guild Storage
Post: buy Meat to Guild Storage

Macro for manually replenishing a guild storage with meat The bot buys 300 meat and puts it in the @gstorage. Repeats 20 times. Link to Payon locations  running a macro with the command "macro mtogs...
Sergio Macros 0 10 19-04-2024, 02:56 PM
  Information Thread: Downloading & using
Post: Downloading & using

In our GitHub repository ( you can always find the latest files and fixes for OpenKore for the server: You can dow...
Sergio uaOpenKore 19 177 22-03-2024, 01:32 PM
  Information Thread: Exps (Table)
Post: Exps (Table)

Sergio World of Ragnarok Online 0 10 07-08-2024, 11:52 AM
  Rainbow Thread: Falconer Hunter PartyDamager for OpenKore (PartySupport)
Post: Falconer Hunter PartyDamager for OpenKore (PartySu...

Falconer Hunter PartyDamager for OpenKore (PartySupport) Strong Hunters are needed always and everywhere. And the presence of at least one Hunter in the party dramatically increases the speed of ki...
Sergio uaOpenKore 8 52 09-04-2024, 11:31 AM
    Thread: First run & setup uaRO - Video
Post: First run & setup uaRO - Video Please watch this video and try the same. If you have any errors or problems, then write to us and send screenshots
Sergio News & Support 0 96 12-02-2024, 05:17 PM
  Exclamation Thread: GStrader for service @gstorage
Post: GStrader for service @gstorage

Currently I have completed the first stage of a large macro. You can download from the main repository: Below I will describe in mor...
Sergio Macros 7 50 21-04-2024, 04:31 PM
  Exclamation Thread: Guild Storage users
Post: Guild Storage users

Carefully! Use all the recommendations from the main thread Swarm of OpenKore bots (Рой ботов) ( Got it! I'll review all the posts to ensure I captur...
Sergio Macros 2 36 10-05-2024, 08:55 PM
  Rainbow Thread: Knight PartyDefender for OpenKore (PartySupport)
Post: Knight PartyDefender for OpenKore (PartySupport)

Knight PartyDefender for OpenKore (PartySupport) This build is very interesting because it can act as a shield for the Party Master. In part, this will require setting up the attack order mainly in...
Sergio uaOpenKore 1 15 06-04-2024, 09:41 PM
    Thread: Orders for blacksmiths. (Заказы для кузнецов.)
Post: Orders for blacksmiths. (Заказы для кузнецов.)

There are 2 blacksmiths on the server: 0000 is mine and the admin has mntrade. I can forge daggers, 1-handed and 2-handed swords, and spears. You can submit requests for production, or better yet, c...
Sergio World of Ragnarok Online 3 29 04-04-2024, 02:22 PM
  Lightbulb Thread: Party in town if I died
Post: Party in town if I died

example for uOK210 (openkore 2.1.x) automacro allToTown {     hp < 20%     call {         do bus all tele 2     }     timeout 60 } automacro allToTown2 {     console /You are now: Dead/ ...
Sergio Macros 0 18 17-04-2024, 07:32 PM
  Lightbulb Thread: PartySupport builds (for OpenKore)
Post: PartySupport builds (for OpenKore)

Let's start an interesting thread! Links to descriptions of interesting PartySupport builds (Priest / High Priest / Sage / And all other professions) will be posted here. This individual thread is pin...
Sergio uaOpenKore 0 23 05-04-2024, 10:56 AM
  Rainbow Thread: Priest FullSupport for OpenKore (PartySupport)
Post: Priest FullSupport for OpenKore (PartySupport)

This description is not for High Priest!!! High Priest is a completely different build!!! I don't require you to believe my words, just understand: my words are Sagrada Verdad! Because the logic in ...
Sergio uaOpenKore 0 16 05-04-2024, 01:22 PM
  Lightbulb Thread: Problems when using Guild Storage
Post: Problems when using Guild Storage

1. In order for each bot to use the storage very quickly, you need to set the timeout parameters: ai_storageAuto 0.1 ai_storageAuto_giveup 0.5 2. There is a problem related to the fact that OpenKore ...
Sergio Fixes OpenKore 1 41 17-04-2024, 07:59 PM
    Thread: Quests in Prontera
Post: Quests in Prontera

В кузне Пронтеры старая бабка вытаскивает карту с одетой шмотки. карта и шмотка остаются (заточка не знаю). Расходует 1 желтый гемстоне и 1 star crumb + 225000 zeny
Sergio Non-English language 9 30 11-06-2024, 03:28 PM
    Thread: @gstorage
Post: RE: @gstorage

странно подлипло конечно, попробуй простой сторедж по-открывать несколько раз, перелогиниться пробовал? у себя замечал такое поведение, но всегда находил бота который не сог корректно закрыть ГС... я...
Sergio News & Support 3 7 28-11-2024, 04:32 PM
    Thread: @gstorage
Post: RE: @gstorage

Sergio News & Support 3 7 28-11-2024, 08:23 PM
    Thread: Anthell01 / Anthell02
Post: RE: Anthell01 / Anthell02

Gravity constantly changed the portal coordinates. Our bot is a much older version compared to the server, so we need to align the portal locations.
Sergio uaOpenKore 3 10 04-01-2025, 04:32 PM
    Thread: Anthell01 / Anthell02
Post: RE: Anthell01 / Anthell02

Did you delete the *.fld files? I think you didn’t read everything carefully enough.
Sergio uaOpenKore 3 10 04-01-2025, 06:51 PM
    Thread: Arrow
Post: RE: Arrow getAuto внимательно смотри - ну это высший пилотаж
Sergio uaOpenKore 3 13 11-07-2024, 08:42 PM
    Thread: Arrow
Post: RE: Arrow

координаты неписей удобно смотреть на нашей карте
Sergio uaOpenKore 3 13 14-07-2024, 04:52 PM
    Thread: bag hair collor
Post: RE: bag hair collor

админу маякнул, полечит... блин єто уже второй случай нужно разобраться и отключить чего нету в клиенте
Sergio News & Support 5 33 29-05-2024, 05:49 PM
    Thread: bag hair collor
Post: RE: bag hair collor

имя чара че не написал???
Sergio News & Support 5 33 29-05-2024, 05:49 PM
    Thread: bag hair collor
Post: RE: bag hair collor

нашел в контрол панеле сброс вигляду - 1. потрібно залогінитися у нашій панелі 2. зайти в розділ My Account - вибрати чара - і є такі кнопки Change Slot, Rese...
Sergio News & Support 5 33 29-05-2024, 05:53 PM
    Thread: bag hair collor
Post: RE: bag hair collor

Sergio News & Support 5 33 29-05-2024, 06:17 PM
    Thread: Bag in Niffhelm
Post: RE: Bag in Niffhelm

ща на ниф гляну
Sergio News & Support 7 11 28-05-2024, 10:17 PM
    Thread: Bag in Niffhelm
Post: RE: Bag in Niffhelm

я админу маякнул, как в онлайн выйдет, то ребутнет сервер
Sergio News & Support 7 11 28-05-2024, 11:09 PM
    Thread: Bag in Niffhelm
Post: RE: Bag in Niffhelm

наверное сделаем ребут на раз в неделю... короче мозгуем пока
Sergio News & Support 7 11 29-05-2024, 05:47 PM
    Thread: Bot issue due to "BusParty" Bug
Post: RE: Bot issue due to "BusParty" Bug

1. Bus settings are in the file config/sys.txt 2. bus 0 - this will disable bus use
Sergio uaOpenKore 5 17 12-04-2024, 06:51 PM
    Thread: Bot issue due to "BusParty" Bug
Post: RE: Bot issue due to "BusParty" Bug

you can try... but the loading speed is not the main thing... this does not affect the speed of the AI... I don’t even pay attention to it - there is no difference, even if the loading takes 10 second...
Sergio uaOpenKore 5 17 12-04-2024, 06:57 PM
    Thread: Bot issue due to "BusParty" Bug
Post: RE: Bot issue due to "BusParty" Bug

1. did you turn off the bus? is the problem gone? 2. the bot gets stuck - how is this? if you give the bot a command to go to a neighboring coordinate, what happens? if you give the command to attack,...
Sergio uaOpenKore 5 17 12-04-2024, 08:11 PM
    Thread: DC more often
Post: RE: DC more often

what version of Openkore are you using?
Sergio uaOpenKore 3 11 07-01-2025, 08:40 AM
    Thread: DC more often
Post: RE: DC more often it`s uOK210?
Sergio uaOpenKore 3 11 11-01-2025, 05:48 PM
    Thread: Downloading & using
Post: RE: Downloading & using

! Check the repositories periodically for updates, and read !
Sergio uaOpenKore 19 177 22-03-2024, 02:40 PM
    Thread: Downloading & using
Post: RE: Downloading & using

The OpenKore uOK210 problem when working with storage has been fixed. Now OpenKore can correctly close the storage on our server!
Sergio uaOpenKore 19 177 17-04-2024, 12:49 PM
    Thread: Downloading & using
Post: RE: Downloading & using

This is a working example. We have specially prepared several versions for easy use. uOK210 prepared for BusParty
Sergio uaOpenKore 19 177 22-05-2024, 05:03 PM
    Thread: Downloading & using
Post: RE: Downloading & using

што ты тупишь... в шапке прямая ссылка: вот пример конфига уже полунастроенный:
Sergio uaOpenKore 19 177 23-05-2024, 04:49 PM
    Thread: Downloading & using
Post: RE: Downloading & using

xkore уже обсуждалось когда бот не видит хп сопартийца, то кора считает, что у него 0 хп и будет хилить без останова... тут такое ча...
Sergio uaOpenKore 19 177 26-09-2024, 06:55 PM
    Thread: Downloading & using
Post: RE: Downloading & using

с Хкорой проблем нету, есть проблемы с черезмерной защитой виндовсов... хкора 1 работает на уровне захвата ресурсов другого процесса. это всё на сайте самой опенкоры не раз описано - единственное ре...
Sergio uaOpenKore 19 177 26-09-2024, 09:10 PM
    Thread: Downloading & using
Post: RE: Downloading & using

не уверен, что вообще чтолибо нужно ставить для нашей рошки :) ну рантайм бибилиотеки можешь поискать на форуме, я кому то уже давал список... но не думаю что они понадобятся для хр... ДХ ставь 9.0с...
Sergio uaOpenKore 19 177 26-09-2024, 09:25 PM
Vote for me: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 !