19-04-2024, 02:56 PM
Macro for manually replenishing a guild storage with meat
The bot buys 300 meat and puts it in the @gstorage. Repeats 20 times. Link to Payon locations
running a macro with the command "macro mtogs"
The bot buys 300 meat and puts it in the @gstorage. Repeats 20 times. Link to Payon locations
running a macro with the command "macro mtogs"
macro mtogs {
set exclusive 1
do conf lockMap pay_arche
do tele 2
do move pay_arche 137 124
call BuyMeat
do conf lockMap pay_dun00
do move pay_dun00
macro BuyMeat {
set exclusive 1
$c = 20
while ($c > 0) as loop
do talknpc 140 124 b b0,300 e
do c @gstorage
do storage add Meat
do storage close
pause 3
do c @storage
do storage close
pause 3
end loop