Xkore issue

I cant seem to have this server work with xkore.

When trying xkore 1, the client never hooks to the bot

When trying xkore 2, i can't see any char with the custom client shortcut

Any ideas?
xkore 1 is a hack of the program, as far as I know, it seems to work only in Windows XP, and in Windows 7 and older they already use a different memory protection model - it does not work there. I saw recommendations to use VirtualBox + Windows XP.
xkore 2 is the proxy server level. I've never even tried to set this up. Sorry I can't help.
We use OpenKore on Linux Instances at DC Hetzner. Sometimes I use Wx on the desktop for initial character setup. But then he is transferred to the DC
i used both Xkore versions in RO:RE which i believe already was windows 10 (or 7 at the least) and it worked. i'll play around a bit more and see if i can make any of those work.

i think you must look this at first
and look windows security (defender):
- device security - Security processor & core isolation
- app & browser control
I think it will be very interesting if you succeed and describe how to run Xkore. Especially for other players!
i could not succeed in running xkore. im pretty sure it has something to do with the exe being used for the server but can't pinpoint the exact issue, sorry.
Have you tried Windows XP?
We have another exe, a little late, you can try it. But sometimes he has errors and game crashes.
Still, start with XP. I'll think about how to download the exe for you.
You can test this exe. Only this exe sometimes crashes when loading locations
windows defender is detecting that exe as a trojan

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