Description of the macro macro-GStrader-pay_arche.txt
Recommended character: Merchant with skills:
- 10 Enlarge Weight Limit
- 10 Discount
- 10 Overcharge
Cart is not used.
Be prepared that for the initial filling of consumables in gstorage, OpenKore may spend a large amount (5-10 million) Zeny!
You can use a character of any class, but there may be problems with weight overload!
Basic functions written in Perl:
sub _s_readFs
sub _s_getItem
sub _s_delItem
These functions are necessary for reading lists and organizing a convenient stack for lists.
All macros are protected by the exclusive parameter.
The auto-macro triggers when OpenKore starts, and every 6000 seconds after that.
automacro _Auto_GStarde {
exclusive 1
delay 3
timeout 6000
call StarGS
Main macro that can be manually launched: macro StarGS
macro StarGS {
do timeout macro_delay .01
set exclusive 1
do conf lockMap pay_arche
pause 1
do tele 2
pause 1
do move pay_arche 109 134
do autostorage
call _h_i
call _s_e
call _s_i
call _buy_i
call _ref_start
do autostorage
do conf lockMap pay_dun01
do tele 2
pause 2
do move pay_dun00
The macro returns the character to the save point, and takes it to the trading spot with the butcher.
Then it sells excess items according to the itemsFholding.txt list. Next, it sells equipment listed in equipsFselling.txt - this list is for individual items. The bot will take items from storage one by one and sell them.
After that, the bot sells everything according to the itemsFselling.txt list - i.e., if an item needs to be retained, it must be excluded from this list.
After all sales, the bot will proceed to the _buy_i function - this function will make the bot enter the Tools Dealer's building and purchase goods according to the list.
Code fragment:
if (@storamount(Butterfly Wing) < 1000 ) {
do storage close
call _b_R --14 300
goto startCheck
Meaning, OpenKore will buy Butterfly Wings until there are fewer than 1000 in the storage. Purchasing is done by the _b_R macro-function, which takes 2 parameters: the first parameter is the ID of the item in the NPC list, and the second parameter is the purchase batch. Thus, the bot will fill the storage up to 1299 units of the item.
If an item needs to be excluded from the purchase, then the block needs to be commented out with "#". And if you need to add some item, then you can copy any of these blocks and configure it accordingly.
The last macro _ref_start will make the bot approach the forge in Payon and upgrade all Rough Oridecon and Rough Elunium.
After that, the bot returns to the save point and executes the code:
do conf lockMap pay_dun01
do move pay_dun00
You can change it so that the bot goes to fight mobs in another location.