Wrong Portals coordinates uOR210 (Morroc->moc_ruins)
portal coordinates often changed in episodes.
1. You can take the portals.txt table from the old bot revision corresponding to 10.3 ~ January 2006
2. portalsLOS.txt this table is dynamically created by the bot, this file needs to be deleted, and a new one generated when the bot is launched
3. If you had read my information carefully, you would have definitely found this! I maintain a file like this https://github.com/uaOpenKore/uOKfiles/b...ls_FIX.txt. I do this because users use different bot revisions. And this repository collects universal fixes and other things for our server. You can participate in fixing with me Wink create a branch, commit the fix, make a pull request, and I will merge
4. You can check the coordinates using the online map https://uaro.kiev.ua/worldmap/

Messages In This Thread
RE: Wrong Portals coordinates uOR210 (Morroc->moc_ruins) - by Sergio - 03-08-2024, 07:54 AM

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