Bot attacks npc-mob
There are cunning NPCs that are presented as mobs. When you try to attack such a mob, a dialogue opens. For example, at level 5 of Payon dungeon there are nine tails, which offers to exchange 999 tails for a kistune mask. Such NPCs are presented in the game as first-level mobs.
The easiest way to solve this problem is to force OpenKore not to see level 1 mobs. But you need to understand that in this case the bot will stop seeing all such mobs, even porings, etc. Therefore, you need to carefully use this fix!

You need to add 3 lines to the /src/Network/ file
After line(~705): #### Step 3: Add actor to actor list ####
if ($mustAdd && UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::Monster") && $args->{lv} < 2) {

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